
HRCU's Response to COVID-19

Ways to Prepare and Cope Financially 

Mortgage Loans paid at MMS:   If you are suffering a financial hardship as a result of COVID-19, MMS wants to explain your home loan payment options.   A special accounts team member can guide you through payment options such as payment forbearance or other repayment options.   Click here to schedule your appointment.  

Consumer Loan Payment or VISA Credit Card Payment Extension:  If you have a loan payment due and you are short of funds because of COVID-19 related issues, please reach out to us for help.  We are tempoarily providing a 90-day extension even if you have recently had a Skip-a-Pay.  However, please reach out BEFORE you are delinquent as some extensions (credit card) can't be given once a member falls into the delinquent category.   You can email: and request an extension or call our Member Solutions Representative at 816.221.2734 extension 116 (for Spanish 101, Vietnamese 108).  You will be asked to complete updated contact inforomation and sign an extension agreement.   

IMPORTANT NOTE TO AVOID FEES:  If you have an automatic payment for any loan with HRCU, you will still need to make sure that is stopped once the agreement is signed.   We cannot stop a preauthorized payment from another financial institution.   You must originate stopping the payment three (3) days prior to the transaction date.

Special COVID-19 Loans:   We have emergency loans of up to $2,500 (unsecured) and even more secured even if you are currently unemployed.  The first payment won't be due for 120 days after loan closing.  The interest rate on the unsecured loan will be 10.99%.   However, there is a limited pool of these loans and stringent underwriting criteria applies.  Apply here

GreenPath:  Thanks to our partner GreenPath Financial Wellness for these fantastic resources on how to Prepare for a Financial Emergency and Deal With a Loss of Income.   You can also request a free personal counseling session with them to help you develop a plan to meet this emergency.   There is no charge and you can schedule your appointment at their website.

Refinance Your Debt to Lower Monthly Payments:   Sometimes you can refinance and consulidate your high-interest rate debt with a HELOC loan or use a car as collateral.  You may even be able to get cash out.  The interest can be a lot lower, and the monthly payments can be a lot less.  Please click here to apply.    

Emergency Food Assistance:   Please call 211, the emergency assistance line, to get a list of food pantries, or view this list onlineAlso, we know that our parnter Community Services League has emergency assistance available.  Please click here for more information. Also visit our Support Services page for other resources.