Bless All Who Enter
Bless All Who Enter
Bless All Who Enter
For immediate assistance, try Video Banking ->
If you need access to a Shared Branch that has a drive-thru, click here and then:
Advanced Search>Filter Results (check "Drive Thru" box)
The Main Office, Raytown and St. Joseph Branches are open regular hours. Community Services League and Hawthorne Branches have adjusted to the Community Services League schedule.
HRCU is limiting the number of members allowed in the lobbies at any given time in order to follow social distancing recommendations. Please follow the posted guidelines at each branch and wait outside the branch if space is not available inside.
To apply for forgiveness for your PPP loan, click here.
HRCU's Response to COVID-19
Bank from Anywhere: Bank Online or use our Mobile App to do almost anything. With our Mobile App, you can even deposit checks!
VISA Debit Card: Make sure you have a VISA debit card so that you can do transtactions from anywhere. You can even get cash back (with no fee) from most merchants. You can also withdraw cash at over 30,000 convenient CO-OP branch machines with no fee on five transactions a month. Click here to apply for a VISA Debit Card.
For a list of Cash-Deposit Equipped ATMs, click the links below:
5,400 CO-OP Shared Branches and 30,000 ATMS: Please be aware that you can make cash deposits at a Shared Branch ATM. To find a CO-OP Shared Branch ATM, click here. To find a Shared Branch ATM that allows cash deposits, click that link and then:
Advanced Search>Filter Results (check "Take Deposit" box).
Mortgage Loans paid at MMS: If you are suffering a financial hardship as a result of COVID-19, MMS wants to explain your home loan payment options. A special accounts team member can guide you through payment options such as payment forbearance or other repayment options. Click here to schedule your appointment.
Consumer Loan Payment or VISA Credit Card Payment Extension: If you have a loan payment due and you are short of funds because of COVID-19 related issues, please reach out to us for help. We are tempoarily providing a 90-day extension even if you have recently had a Skip-a-Pay. However, please reach out BEFORE you are delinquent as some extensions (credit card) can't be given once a member falls into the delinquent category. You can email: info@holyrosarycu.org and request an extension or call our Member Solutions Representative at 816.221.2734 extension 116 (for Spanish 101, Vietnamese 108). You will be asked to complete updated contact inforomation and sign an extension agreement.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO AVOID FEES: If you have an automatic payment for any loan with HRCU, you will still need to make sure that is stopped once the agreement is signed. We cannot stop a preauthorized payment from another financial institution. You must originate stopping the payment three (3) days prior to the transaction date.
Special COVID-19 Loans: We have emergency loans of up to $2,500 (unsecured) and even more secured even if you are currently unemployed. The first payment won't be due for 120 days after loan closing. The interest rate on the unsecured loan will be 10.99%. However, there is a limited pool of these loans and stringent underwriting criteria applies. Apply here.
GreenPath: Thanks to our partner GreenPath Financial Wellness for these fantastic resources on how to Prepare for a Financial Emergency and Deal With a Loss of Income. You can also request a free personal counseling session with them to help you develop a plan to meet this emergency. There is no charge and you can schedule your appointment at their website.
Refinance Your Debt to Lower Monthly Payments: Sometimes you can refinance and consolidate your high-interest rate debt with a HELOC loan or use a car as collateral. You may even be able to get cash out. The interest can be a lot lower, and the monthly payments can be a lot less. Please click here to apply.
Find information on Support Services (food, necessities, etc.) here.
Do you have bills that you have set up to be paid automatically using either your checking account number or your debit card? If COVID-19 is causing you to have a shortage of funds in your account, please call whichever merchants will be taking these payments more than 3 days in advance of the payment's transaction date, in order to request that the withdrawals NOT be made. Be clear that you are withdrawing your authorization permanently. Please get the confirmation number and keep it. If a merchant takes a payment from your account and the account doesn't have sufficient funds to cover the amount, you will be charged an Insufficient Funds Fee (NSF Fee) on both sides of the transaction. These fees can add up quickly and we want to help you avoid the charges.
Please remember that some utility companies have promised no disconnections during this time. Please talk with those companies directly if you need this assistance.
Here are some ideas of payments you may have previously authorized: Electricity, Water, Mortgage, Cable, Phone/Internet, Student Loans, Regular Loans, Subscriptions, and Donations.
Remember to call the merchant in advance. You cannot just call the day that the payment is supposed to be withdrawn--call at LEAST 3 days in advance. You need to call the business/service that will be taking the payment--calling us will not help because we can't withdraw the authorization you provided to them.
This same idea applies to automatic-withdrawal loan payments you may have asked HRCU to make on your behalf. Please contact us to stop these if you don’t have money in the other account. If you need a loan payment extension call 816.221.2734 ext. 116 or email us at info@holyrosarycu.org. We have a special program to help you.
In response to COVID-19, the IRS extended the federal tax filing deadline to July 15, 2020. In addition, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) was signed into law. The 2020 coronavirus stimulus package will deliver relief through a range of measures, including an advanced tax rebate to taxpayers.
Where can I bank if I don't want to come into a branch?
How can I cope financially with what's going on?
What should I do about pre-authorized autowithdrawals if I don't have enough money in my account?
How can the CARES Act help me?
How can the CARES Act help my small business?
Is my money safe at the Credit Union right now?
What if I need help finding food and other necessities?
I've heard about COVID-related fraud...what should I be on the lookout for?
Email 1: General information on how to handle banking with HRCU during COVID-19.
Email 2: Information on personal loans, mobile banking, and payment extensions.
Email 3: How HRCU is handling sanitation.
Email 4: Information on financial resources and options available.
Email 5: Hygenic money management.
Email 6: How to prep for automatic withdrawals if you don't have funds.
Your money is SAFE at Holy Rosary Credit Union. We are considered an Essential Business and therefore will not close. Your funds are insured by NCUA and you have no reason to worry about the safety of your savings!
United Way of Greater Kansas City – Supports 23 surrounding counties providing access to thousands of resources. Call 211 or visit unitedwaygkc.org/get-help.
Catholic Charities of Kansas City & St. Joseph – Offers emergency assistance including a network of food pantries, assistance with baby supplies, and connections to other community resources. Visit catholiccharities-kcsj.org
Catholic Charities of NE Kansas – Provides a safety net for people of all faiths who are trying to make ends meet including food support, rent and housing support, utilities and more. Call 913.621.1504 or visit catholiccharitiesks.org
Metro Lutheran Ministry – Offers support to people in both Kansas and Missouri for rent and utility support, emergency assistance and provisions for basic needs. Call 816.931.0027 or visit mlmkc.org.
Cross Lines Community Outreach – Provides programs for rent and utility assistance, case management, food pantry and commodities, shower and laundry services and a community kitchen distributing sack breakfast and lunch. Call 913.281.3388 or visit cross-lines.org.
Community Action Agency of Greater Kansas City (CAAGKC) – Offers the following support in Clay, Jackson and Platte, MO counties including case management, food and toiletry pantries, emergency services for children including clothing, utilities and other services. Call 816.858.5153 or visit caagkc.org.
Jewish Family Services – Offers the following assistance to those in both Kansas and Missouri including food, housing, and employment. Call 913.327.8250 or visit jfskc.org.
Harvesters – A regional food bank serving a 26-county area of NW Missouri and NE Kansas providing food and related household products to more than 760 nonprofit agencies including food pantries, homeless shelters and others. Call 877.353.6639 or visit harvesters.org/get-help.
For information on avoiding COVID-related financial scams, please click here.
Email 7: Avoiding COVID-related scams.
Email 8: The CARES Act and how it affects you.
Email 9: If you have, or have been exposed to, COVID-19, please do not enter an HRCU branch.
Email 10: PPP Loans are still available for Small Businesses.
Small Business Administration (PPP) Loans
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